traffic SEO strategy search engine optimization for a brand

How I’d approach a traffic SEO strategy for a brand (5 Steps ):

traffic SEO strategy search engine optimization for a brand

1) Fix the non-sexy SEO problems:

– Fix your ship’s holes
– Kill indexed tag pages
– Fix duplications of pages
– Help search bots crawl your store
– Crush dead vendor pages flooding the index
– Kill collections linking to duplicated products

2) Create systems for the sexier side of SEO:

– Research, and create an information architecture
– Make customer journeys easier
– Build customer journeys
– Test customer journeys

3) Build audit schedules:

– Audit analytics (GSC + GA = Gold mine)
– Audit page speed on money pages
– Audit technical SEO foundations
– Audit collection/intent layouts
– Audit your product pages
– Audit homepage layout
– Audit decaying pages
– Audit internal linking
– Audit viral topics
– Audit link equity
– Audit schema

10 actionable technical SEO tips I’ve used to help improve a site’s technical SEO

4) Create the masterplan:

– Build out your topical clusters
– Build out your intent funnels
– Improve site-wide templates
– Focus on bigger impact fixes
– Test your changes
– Compound fixes
– Leverage time
– Work on CRO

5) Build your brand & audience:

– Brand building/link building
– Brand building will help with PR & E-E-A-T
– SEO is easier when there’s a brand authority
– SEO is easier when there’s an engaged audience
– Brand building and personalisation is a power strategy

seo Semrush I will break down all of the concepts from this list into larger parts that are easier to understand by someone less familiar with SEO

traffic SEO strategy search engine optimization for a brand In a nutshell, Focus on building strategic audits, prioritise fixes and remember the power of compounding growth changes.


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